
人参スープ byともこ

Here is the belated recipe of carrot ginger soup, basically from Publix Apron's Simple Meals.

Makes 10 ~ 12 cups


15 whole carrots, peeled and diced

1 rib celery, diced

1 large onion, diced

2 tbsp olive oil

6 cups vegetable or chicken broth

2/3 cup orange juice (I add some mango juice too)

2 tbsp fresh ginger, minced

salt and white pepper if desired

1 cup heavy cream


1.Saute carrots, celery and onion in oil, over medium heat, for 15 mins or until onions are tender.

2. Stir in broth, orange juice and ginger; continue to simmer for 15 mins or until carrots are tender.

3. process mixture in batches in electric blender until smooth. Place soup in serving dish and stir in cream just before serving.

1 comment:

  1. 量の多さにひるみ、5分の1(人参3本)でやってみました。美味しい!簡単!大人二人分ができます。うちはブレンダーが無く小さなチョッパーですりつぶすため、そのためにもちょうどよい量でした。
